
The East-Central Region covers the areas of Lusaka, Eastern and Central Provinces. 

Heritage sites in this region include:

1.1 Lusaka Province

• Chakeluka Archaeological Site: Lusaaka before Lusaka
• Alymer May Cemetery
• Zesco Cooling Tower
• Njanji Commuter Building
• EW Tarry’s Building
• Old Fisher House Plot 109
• Lusaka Miller’s House
• Cairo Road Historic Gardern
• Marrapodi House Plot 294
• Marrapodi Kiln
• Lusaka Hotel
• Old Lusaka Boys School
• Old Post Office
• Former Dutch Reformed Church
• 1932 House No. 110D
• Former Charter House
• Kabwata Roundaveles
• Old Secretariat / Old National Assembly
• Chilenje House National Monument
• Chikumbi Freedom Camp
• Oliver R. Tambo National Monument

1.2 Eastern Province

• Kalemba Rock Shelter
• Mkoma Rock Shelter
• Katolola Rock Painting
• Thandwe Rock Shelter (Chipata District): Map Position 35
• Kabvumo Rock Shelter
• The Lundazi Castle Hotel National Monument

1.3 Central Province

• Bell Point, Lunsemfwa Wonder Gorge (Mkushi District)
• Kundalila Falls (Serenje District)
• Nsalu Cave (Serenje District)
• David Livingstone Memorial (Serenje District)
• Big Tree (Kabwe)
• Steam Locomotives

The Northern Region comprises the Luapula, Northern and Muchinga Provinces.

Heritage sites in this region include:

2.1 Northern Province

  • Chishimba Waterfalls
  • Lumangwe Waterfalls
  • Kabwelume Waterfalls
  • Chimpempe Waterfalls
  • Kundabwika Waterfalls & Rock Paintings
  • Kalambo Waterfalls & Archaeological Site
  • Chilambwe Waterfalls
  • Nkwale Waterfalls
  • Mwela Rock Art Paintings
  • Kateshi Waterfalls
  • The Bangweulu Wetlands
  • Kasama Pioneer Cemetery
  • Von Lettow Vorbeck
  • Lake Chila
  • Fort Zombe
  • The Slave Route
  • Niamkolo Church
  • The “Good” News
  • Mbala Old Prison
  • Chilubula Church

2.2 Muchinga Province

  • Chipoma Waterfalls
  • Nachikufu Cave
  • Chusa Falls
  • Namundela Falls
  • Lubwa Mission / Kenneth Kaunda Birth Place
  • Lenshina Burial Place
  • Mwenzo Mission
  • Old Fife
  • Zwangendaba’s Grave

2.3 Luapula Province

  • Ntumbachushi Waterfalls
  • Lumangwe Waterfalls
  • Kabwelume Waterfalls
  • Chimpempe Waterfalls
  • Mombututa Waterfalls
  • Samfya (Kasamba Stream) Grinding Grooves
  • Munwa Stream Rock Engravings

The Northwest Region consists of the Copperbelt and Northwestern Provinces.

Heritage sites in this region include:

3.1 Copperbelt Province

  • The Chichele Mofu Tree
  • Lake Chilengwa
  • Hippo Pool
  • Lake Kashiba
  • Slave Tree
  • The Collier Monument, Luanshya
  • The Dag Hammerskjöld Memorial Crash

3.2 North-Western Province

  • Kabompo House
  • Mutanda Falls Heritage Site
  • Kamusongolwa Kopje
  • Polish War Memorial
  • Lake Chibesha Heritage Site
  • Nyambwezu Falls
  • Kifubwa National Monument
  • Möir and Bell National Monument
  • Zambezi Source National Monument
  • Mpongwe Fortified Village

The Southwest Region is made up of the Southern and Western Provinces.

Heritage sites in this region include:

4.1 Southern Province

 Victoria Falls World Heritage Site

Railway Museum

Gwisho Hotsprings

Sebanzi Hills

Kalundu Mound

Old Drift Cemetery

Nkala Fortified Village

Kalomo Administrator’s House

Fort Monze Cemetery

Muzandu Rock Engavings

Mulobezi Open Air Railway Museum